Terri gets another chance!

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Looks like the Schindler’s and Terri Schiavo will get their day in Federal Court. If I were Judge Greer and Michael Schiavo I’d get my passport ready…

The best coverage of this entire case in my opinion, is our own Blog’s for Terri Home Page. They have up to the second coverage of what happened last night in congress.

Amy Welborn
has some comments on CNN’s coverage of the story. They went from being all pro-death, all the time to being, “Let’s give the girl a chance.”

Here is the link to the story on President Bush’s statement and signing the bill.

Father Johansen had some interesting things to say about Terri’s “Exit Protocol,” in case anyone was still under the delusion that starvation was a peaceful passing.

Drudge has AUDIO of Terri responding to her father AFTER her tube has been removed. Keep in mind this poor woman has gone through this twice before so she knows the drill – so much for being “brain dead.”

The culture of death is still fighting though. Here and here

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