A reader writes

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This was too good to leave hiding in the comment boxes.

During the 30 years plus that I taught 5th Grade, I would often ask my class of 35,
“Boys and girls, if 1 = 0 what does 35 = ?” A wrong answer got an “F Grade.”

If they said,”Zero,” they got an “A.”

America’s human value system is based on the value of each Individual person; One.
If One equals Zero what will 160 million be worth?

Abortion/cannibalism is devaluing each and every individual in our Country including you
and me — and each One in our families — and each Individual American.

Terri is now being used to teach that each individual is in further jeopardy. She is being
placed there by law. Law which is minimal in describing human behavior and worth in a
civilized society.

Law raises no maxim high standard but only a minimum of acceptance — not the highest.
Ethics and morality are higher standards which are not being used in Terri’s protection
because lawyers and judges revere law as the highest standard — when it is not. It is the
least standard. “Grade: F “

“Woe unto you lawyers and judges!” Your stewardship before The Creator is non-existent.
The Lord God will not be mocked. As you sow you will reap. Legalists are individuals and
will be weighed in the balances of their own choosing.


Thank you Jim Baxter.

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