Newest Effort to defeat Prolifers

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A reader, Katy H, sent me this article from Jill Stanek.

Jill Stanek’s point is that the strategy of the pro-abortion militia is changing because it has to. The results of the last election made that very clear. One of the ways to turn it around for them, is to make the pro-life position seem extremist, whacko, radical. And their aim is to point to what many pro-lifers see as a problem and linked to abortion – the widespread use and acceptance of contraceptives.

I have had that very same discusion on this blog with Christian, Protestants, who were strongly pro-life and yet unwilling or unable to see how contraceptives were linked to abortion. Logic and historical time lines were unpersuasive to them so I am at a loss on how to proceed on that one. None so blind and all of that…

An excerpt from Jill Stanek’s article:

Because the American public no longer considers the pro-life view on abortion extremist, pro-aborts must figure out another way to make us appear fanatical. They have settled on the topic of contraception.

The contraceptive mentality is so engrained in American minds that to consider reverting to the day when sex was practiced solely within the confines of marriage – with each act carrying with it the potential blessing of children – is simply crazy to them.

Pro-aborts know this is a wedge issue for pro-lifers. The natural family planning mentality is foreign to most Protestants and prehistoric to many Catholics.

I am one Protestant who has come to believe that contraception is wrong, based on my analysis of Scripture. But I remember thinking what a bizarre concept this was when my Catholic pro-life friends first brought it to my attention.

Pro-lifers must get on top of these latest attempts by pro-aborts to pigeonhole and divide us and come up with counteroffensives.

Pro-life groups and churches must take greater responsibility for abstinence training and not leave that up to the pregnancy help centers. We must also continue to dialogue about the issue of contraception and make up our minds not let the other side divide us on that.

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