Michael Savage on the Schiavo case

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Michael Savage is not one of my favorite radio commentators. He is hard to listen to sometimes, but on the Terri Schiavo case and the way it’s been bungled by the so-called “pro-life” officials, it’s hard for me to see where he is wrong!

I think he is spot on here.

On his personal website, nationally syndicated radio host Michael Savage opined on the controversy surrounding the Terri Schiavo case by “speak[ing] out against the Dem Deathworshippers” and comparing Democrats to the infamous “doctor” of the Auschwitz concentration camp, Josef Mengele:

The radical Democratic left is an army of soulless ghouls. Being of the living dead, they live in a world of death and try to impose it on we the living. Witness who led the charge: a radical homosexual, Barney Frank. A radical abortion Mafiosa, Barbara Boxer. What is difficult for we the living to comprehend is the reason they can engage in such anti-life abominations is because they have no souls. They have said that the tears of Terri Schiavo are mechanical. They have said that her smile is reflexive. They can rip an emerging child from the womb, murder it, and call this a compassionate act. Like Mengele — the doctor of death from the Nazi concentration camps — the radical, soulless Democrats keep referring to “the doctors,” as if a medical degree guaranteed humanity. Therefore, choose life. God bless George W. Bush.

He’s also correct that Gov. Bush should go in immediately and take custody of Terri! See this legal opinion from the Thomas Moore society.

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