The entrepreneur in me!

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I plan to blog more on this later but basically, I have been a SAHM since my first was born in 1989. I have transcribed medical reports for doctors at my home office since then. God has been good in providing me with customers.

What God giveth, God can take away!

I have a long-time client (almost 16 years) who cut WAY back this month. Can we talk from around $500 to $600 a month to $37!! That’s a big hit at least for me. And in my 3rd trimester I’m not anxious or eager to hit the pavement looking for another client.

Mr. Pete isn’t worried, but he is an eternal optimist. If he were stranded in the icy waters of the North Atlantic the night the Titanic sank, he’d be confident that he could lash enough deck chairs together to make a raft to survive long enough for a rescue!!

And of course I’m a little more pessimistic… I prefer guardedly cautious. I’d let Mr. Pete look for the chairs and rope to make his raft while watching for signs of hypothermia!

But God has been gracious in letting me sleep at night and I have decided that maybe God is trying to move me in another direction so that I have more time with this little one and can put more concentration into our homeschooling. Lately I can’t get the idea of working my eBay business a little more aggressively, at least for a while through the birth and immediate post partum time. I spent lots of time researching that last night.

God may also be wanting to find something as profitable but not as mentally draining, because of my mom’s recent diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Lord knows that in itself is a lot to think about!

As always it will be interesting to see how the pieces of this puzzle all fall together.

Please feel free to leave a comment under the posting, or sign my Spiritbook (guestbook). You can chat with me on the tag board to the right!

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