The Empire Journal on Terri Schiavo

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Here’s a site with information and reports on the case you just won’t find in the mainstream.

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Medicaid, Medicare Fraud Evident In Schiavo Hospice Certification


Five years ago this month, Terri Schindler Schiavo was moved from the Palm Gardens Nursing Home in Largo, Fl., to the Woodside Hospice House in Pinellas Park on orders of her estranged husband without the knowledge of her parents

A hospice is a facility or service which provides supportive care for terminally ill patients and their families.

But Terri Schindler-Schiavo isn’t terminally ill.

Even if one was to accept Judge George Greer’s designation of her as being in a persistent vegetative state (PVS), PVS isn’t a disease. It’s a symptom.

Hospice care is covered under Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance).

That is if the patient is certified to be terminal.

And there lies the rub.

Not only was Terri Schiavo never properly certified as required by law for entry into the Woodside Hospice where she has remained for five years, but a review of the records and circumstances indicates that there may have been egregious violations of federal Hospice Law as well as state and federal Medicaid and Medicare regulations.

In the case of Terri Schiavo, according to the certification report on file for her admission to the hospice, she was never properly certified and therefore her five year stay at the hospice, done under orders of Michael Schiavo at the time his attorney, George Felos, was chairman of the Hospice board of directors, was done illegally and may constitute Medicaid and Medicare Fraud in addition to other possible violations of both federal and state hospice law.

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