Conversion stories

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Around 1994, we were trying to decided whether or not to homeschool and it really seemed that God was leading us into that direction. He also seemed to be drawing us back into our Catholic faith. One of the first homschooling meetings I attended with a group of Catholic women was very key to my reversion back to the Catholic Faith. The leader of the group wanted to pray the rosary to start the meeting. I was sitting there very smugly thinking “Oh great, who the heck has one of those any more!!?” To my surprise and astonishment, every woman in the room could reach into her pocket or her purse and whip out a rosary! I had to sheepishly ask for one. Their faith, and their devotion and my amazement that there were Catholics besides my mother who practiced those things, started me on my trip back to the church via the homeschool movement!

At that meeting also, one of the gals gave me some tapes from the lending library. The first one was Professor Scott Hahn, but I don’t think it was his conversion tape. I listened but it was whistling over my head and so I pulled the tape out. I popped the second tape in but I inadvertantly put it on side 2. I heard a woman weeping and it intrigued me. It turned out it was Kimberly Hahn and I was on the part of her conversion story where she was talking about her miscarried babies, but I didn’t know that at the time. I quickly turned the tape around and listened from the beginning to find out why she was crying. Her tape and her story captivated me. I must have listened to it 50 times. I’ll bet I still have parts of it memorized.

Eventually I listened to Scott’s conversion tape too and that was the spark that made me start studying my faith. The rest, as they say, is history!

Julie at Sotto Sotto shared the link to Professor Hahn’s conversion tape transcript. If you’ve heard of Professor Hahn and want to know what the big deal is, or if you have heard it and just love it, this is a nice link to bookmark. Thanks Julie!

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