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See…this is what I mean…

What is up with “pro-Terri”??

Pro- as in For, in favor of, wanting the best, believing in etc. etc.
Terri- Terri Schiavo.

Just because people won’t demonize Michael Schiavo does not make them “anti-Terri” or “pro-Michael”. It’s not a contest. It’s not a competition. It’s not a him v. her situation.

Hmm… well it seems to me that in this “not a competition” someone LIVES OR DIES. It really is in a sense the ultimate competition.

It’s a horrible, sad, heartbreaking tragedy for everyone. There are no winners and losers here.

Uh… if Michael wins, Terri loses, she dies. Her mother and father lose their daughter, her siblings lose their sister, and the nation slides further down the slope. I see a lot to lose here.

There are no heros and villains.

Oh I don’tknow. I think the Schindlers have been pretty heroic sticking with this at heavy personal cost. I think Jeb and George W. Bush have been pretty heroic sticking their necks out for this family. I was even pretty proud of the congress for working around the clock. The nurses and other witnesses that have lost jobs over speaking the truth have been pretty heroic as well.

There are people, very human, flawed people trying to do their best. You may not agree with some of them, but that doesn’t make them malicious.

and then again it might. We do live in a world of malice. Not all sides or positions are benign. I think this is one of those times.

I am not denying anything. I’m a rational person looking at facts objectively. The “evidence” you claim convicts Michael Schiavo of being a abusive man or a murderer is in keeping with her disease.

Oh hardly. But it does warrant further investigation. Michael Schiavo would have done himself a great service to pursue that, but he denied it.

How does turning Michael Schiavo into some kind of monster help Terri? Does it bring back her brain? Does it make you more “right”?

Only Michael Schiavo, with perhaps some encouragement from his lawyer George Felos, can make himself into a monster. However in litigation there are “sides.” The Pro-Terri side wants to see her have more rehabilitation, they want her to be lovingly cared for by her mom and dad, it does not want to see her slowly starved to death. To want all that is to indeed oppose Mr. Schiavo.

Who do you think you are?

I’m a Catholic wife, mother, and BLOGGER. This is my blog, which I created to express and showcase MY views – like 99.9% of the other blogs that exist in the blogosphere. You want to showcase your views – get your own blog – they’re free!!!

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