Answering some fan mail.

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In my response to my theory that perhaps Michael Schiavo isn’t lilly white in his compulsion to see Terri die:

You are completely closed to any other viewpoint but your own, you see everything in black and white, and you prefer to see the worst and focus on the negative in every one or thing you encounter.

Kind of a broad brushed ad hominem attack, but I’ll address it.

As far as right and wrong go- yea, I tend to be a black and white thinker. Right is right, wrong is wrong. That said, I do see and understand that good people can make wrong choices for compelling reasons. That doesn’t make their choice “right.” It just makes it “human.” Christians are told that they are to call each other on that. That’s not judgementalism – that’s Scriptural, biblical, historical, Christianity.

Focus on the negative?
Well no, that’s not my preference. But to live in the real world you can’t be BLIND to the evil that exists around you. That would be very Polly Annaish and foolish. Men kill their wives. That’s why husband’s are usually the first suspects in the murder or disappearance of a wife – standard operating procedure for law enforcement. Are the police focusing on the negative? or are they just being realistic. Perhaps unfortuantely a bit of both, but I think to do otherwise really would be foolish.

as to the charge “on everyone and everything you encounter.” I’d say my fan is projecting.

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