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A reader writes:

Go ahead with breeding your way into disseminating your religious ideals.

Uh… thanks. Not that I needed your OK as nature seems to take its own course. But gosh it sure didn’t seem like “breeding” per se. The marital relationship between Mr. Pete and I is so comfortable now, so familiar, like breathing. A part of our lives, a renewal of our committment, an act of life and love. I don’t think it ever occurs to either of us that we are “breeding.”

Disseminating? Well, I think of it more as setting a good example. I watched and learned from my folks, and Mr. Pete watched and learned from his. It’s that example of the faith lived and lived abundantly that I think is absorbed by the children and becomes part of their very being.

I will bring my child (I only ever want one) up to be open-minded, inquisitive and tolerant.

I don’t think a religious upbringing negates open-mindedness or inquisitivness and it should enhance tolerance. Tolerance doesn’t mean, by the way, that all points of view are equal and good and should be accepted. What Catholicism does is present a framework within which some of the greastest thinkers of all time have wrestled with these issues of faith and morals. Rather than stifling thought I think a study of Catholicism opens up thought and presents ways of thought that one might never encounter alone.

I will also pay for them to go to a school where they will be taught by qualified experts with degrees in the subjects they teach, and if they are bright enough, to the best universities (which I will be able to afford a) because I live in a comparatively socialist country and b) because I haven’t had excessive numbers of children).

Education is a good thing no doubt. When you die, what exactly happens to those degrees and credentials after they are printed on your obituary? Some of the greatest saints know throughout history have been simple people, with simple faith, and little to no education. I put more value on living a holy life above all else.

You may think you’ll “win” through strength in numbers,

Yea, I really believe that it’s already started. I think that’s part of what is changing the face of the Catholic church, particularly in diocese with orthodox families who are open to accepting and raising new life.

but I think we small-family liberals will “win” because our children will be more thoroughly educated and less sheltered from the reality of life than yours. Quality not quantity.

Win what exactly? The culture? I don’t think so. In fact Europe is already starting to change precisely because of it’s population is declining.

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