When my blogging life doesn’t jive with my real life!

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Many of my regular readers will already know that I have spent a lot of time discussing and debating with Liberal Catholic JCecil, and Reformed Protestant Bonnie. Mainly the discussions this week were on same-sex unions with JCecil, and the licitness of NFP over artificial birth control with Bonnie.

And while my spirit is willing,in my real life situation it seems absurd to even be talking about such things.

The baby inside of me has discovered that yes, s/he has arms and legs and s/he has learned to use them! So the baby gives me a jab here, and a bump there and Oh this is fun – if the baby lands just right over here I can get an electrical buzz all the way down into my leg that makes my toes tingle and burn!! OK Kid!! I get it! You’re alive and well and enjoy being an incarnate being!!

And as I’m sitting here in wonder of all the stuff this new baby is discovering, why am I debating the pros and cons of same- sex unions with Joe? The truth of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body keep playing over and over in my head that the truth is in our bodies. I look at my very round body and see that the truth is I couldn’t have had this little life in me without the help of my husband of 25 years. And that this baby will be both of us. And that my body was beautifully designed to do this work. It seems plain to me that this is what God created marriage for, but it’s so hard to articulate something that seems so obvious and so common sensical.

At the same time, my little girl is singing happily behind me making up stories with her dolls and her brother’s action figures. (I think in her world Barbie has a crush on Spiderman!) And I hear my little boys talking about how they know all the best hiding places in the house, while Calvin mixes up pancakes and Sam practices his piano. And yet I’m debating birth control… again.

It would be so much easier if I could just spread the joy and satisfaction I feel in my family and in having the opportunity to have such a family. Maybe if I could bottle it or something. I could bottle it and put it a box with some of the highlights of the last 75 or so years of Catholic thought on the matter and then after opening the bottle folks could read the words of Popes Pius, Paul and John Paul II and it would all make sense to them. Because I’m coming to the conclusion that being eloquent enough in words to express the good of this view for marriage and family life, is much harder than actually conceiving, bearing, and raising the family the words represent!

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