Prayer request

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Hey folks, if you can squeeze one more prayer on your list of things to pray for I would really appreciate it! This is my 23rd week of pregnancy. My last baby, Raphael was stillborn at 23 weeks. I’ve been trying to be optimistic but realistic about this baby making it to term. I penciled in “baby’s funeral” in my monthly planner for this week – just in case.

This baby though seems fine though. My doctor’s visits are good, progesterone levels are fine, baby is growing. He also has a mind of his own. When I think really hard about how he isn’t kicking he won’t move an inch. And then when I start doing something else he moves around. He’s giving me gray hair and he’s not even out yet!

So I guess if you could just pray for the continued good health of my baby, and for my own anxiety about this, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

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