The Day My Father Died.

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This will be one I remember for a while.

I had a hard time sleeping last night. A little pregnancy heartburn and some very vivid pregnancy dreams. I dreamt that my family and I were building a marble mausoleum out at the cemetery. Of course Mr. Pete was in charge and it was going well other than it was a lot of work moving that marble around, just me, Mr. Pete and the kids! And then we started laying in there to see how we would “stack up.” It wasn’t’ a scary dream, in fact it seemed very practical and I had a sense of accomplishment when the dream was over and the mausoleum was built! Kind of like one of those home makeover shows.

When I got up, I logged in to check my e-mail and visit my favorite haunts like I usually do. My discussion in one blog led a commentator to write this.

Elena is:

A hypocrite
A poser
Desperately attention-seeking
An egomaniac
A narcissist
An incredibly bad parent (anyone who includes as much personal information about herself and her family, including names, locations, school districts, pictures, etc. on her webpage, and then uses said webpage to insult, demean, and belittle other people is so many shades of stupid they don’t make a Crayola box big enough to begin coloring her in)
An embarrassment to Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular
Incapable of genuine human feeling or decency
Incapable of recognizing the humanity of other people
Incapable of admitting she’s wrong
Incapable of showing the smallest amount of kindness to the people who need it the most
Not particularly bright
Incapable of any kind of abstract reasoning, deductive reasoning, or critical thinking
Completely unable to empathize with another human being
Unattractive (personality-wise)

I thought I’d print it out and next time I go to confession just say, “Bless me Father, for I have sinned. Here…” Then we could just go down the list. Contrary to popular thought, it did bother me. Guess that thick skin still has a few cracks in it.

The kids DID NOT want to do homeschool today because of the Martin Luther King Holiday. I begged and pleaded. Finally while carrying a chair into the class room I accidentally smacked a metal part into my shin bone. End of the begging and pleading replaced with threats and screams. I don’t know exactly what I said. Something about foster homes and ending up living out of abandoned cars if you didn’t get a good education. Whatever I said worked. They got busy, but the angry tears (theirs and mine) didn’t make me feel much better.

Then the phone rang. I ran upstairs (which is no longer as easy as it was 4 1/2 months go) and picked up. My distant cousin was on the phone to tell me that my Father had died. I was just stunned. I hadn’t seen my Dad in about 5 1/2 years. He had always been very healthy but had been very senile so we hadn’t talked for a long long time. It was an odd feeling. Not really grief and sadness, although there was some of that. Some regret too.

My sister and I spent the rest of the day with mom making arrangements, making plans, reminiscing some. I think we all felt better by the time we parted. IT’s going to be a rough week.

And as I sat down at my desk to do a quick e-mail check, for the first time ever someone sent me a Paypal tip. I cried.

Please feel free to leave a comment under the posting, or sign my Spiritbook (guestbook). You can chat with me on the tag board to the right!

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