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A commenter over at the Summa Mamas said:

…I want to have more, if God gives me ten then I will be grateful, but I will say this, I will not be caught dead in a jumper ever, denim or otherwise and I won’t drive one of those huge extended vans and I have given my husband permission to shoot me on sight if I ever try to wear matching outfits with my daughter.

I just thought it was cute how adamant this lady is about these things and thought I’d share my views on these same issues.

Jumpers. After the birth of my 6th child, I discovered the wonders of jumpers and housedresses in general. Not the June Clever- high-heels-and pearls to-do-the- vacuuming-kind of housedress, but the shapeless nondescript housedress that my grandmother use to wear under her apron. There was just something about not having my waist restricted that was just too durn comfortable to resist!! Don’t get me wrong – I still pulled on the lycra work out pants and shirts to go to Jazzerise, so I have nothing against staying in shape but let’s face it, once that area has been stretched to the limit it can swell out there after any meal, or gas attack!! At this phase of life I need the extra room!! But I also like how these jumpers and dresses look on me and I think they are very pretty and feminine as well as practical. I think they’re a great secret that many stay at home moms just don’t know about!

Now for the driving. I drive a 15 passenger Dodge Ram with the extended back. I can get around town in that thing as if I were driving a tiny Toyota Hatch Back. Many are in awe of my fearlessness (you can take that a couple of different ways!). The funny thing is now that I know what it feels like to drive one of these big rigs, where I am eye level practically with the semi drivers, I think I’m going to have a hard time adjusting to a smaller car when it’s me and Mr. Pete again!

Matching outfits. When I was a little girl my grandma made matching outfits for me and my sister. Lots of them. I loved them!! She hated them. And as soon as sis was able to put her foot down loud enough, we quit getting them. I was 40 when I had my daughter and I have so far only made us one mother-daughter outfit, and she loved it! Finding the time to make more has been my problem but while my daughter is still brain-washed to think that dressing alike is just the coolest – I’m going to make the most of it!

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