A teen/young adult chastity, abstinence site

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with a catchy name NoMoHo Keep your Pants On!

Here’s an excerpt:

Abstinence is not the same thing as chastity. If you are abstinent, you are defined by what you DON’T do. So some people believe they are abstinent even though they are having oral sex. Chastity is more than what you don’t do, it’s what how you live your life. You believe in respect and dignity. You give love a chance. You do believe that sex is wonderful and powerful. You want to share that gift with your soulmate for a lifetime.

Virgins can be unchaste. You can do a lot of sexual things and still remain a “technical virgin.” But there are too many “technical virgins” out there who are miserable because they’ve been robbed of all the good parts of chastity: purity, dignity, and self-confidence. Please save your virginity for your wedding night—but save more than that. The gift of virginity means a lot, but it means more when it hasn’t been unwrapped, fondled, and fingered.

The rest of the site is just as good. You KNOW it’s good if Jill of Third Wave Agenda objects to it! Here’s her take on the site.

while it’s all good and fun to make fun of this site, some of it is really disturbing. one high school student writes in, “My friend is always kissing guys. People will yell “slut” or “whore” when she walks the hall. I told her people call her a slut because she kisses too much. She said that kissing is all she’s doing, and it’s just innocent fun. What do I tell her?”

any person with half a brain would realize that the problem here isn’t a high school girl kissing some boys; it’s the totally inapropriate behavior of the other students. any female who has gone to high school can surely remember that being called a slut was the absolute worst insult, and something to avoid by any means possible. but at the same time, you want to have fun, and experiment with totally normal displays of desire, like kissing — which is completely harmless and hardly scandelous. matt’s advice should have been for this girl to stand by her friend, and address the fact that she’s being routinely harassed at school. instead, he suggests

The reason why people are yelling out “slut” or “whore” is because they’ve lost respect for her…. When the two of you are alone and there’s no distraction, tell her you are concerned for her. Don’t back down, but be insistent because you care for her. Have her write down a list of all the guys she’s kissed. Then write what’s happened to their relationship after she kissed them. You’ll quickly find that it’s a kiss-and-go. Ask her what it’s going to be like when she walks in a room of a dozen guys, and she’s kissed them all?

It’s important that you do what you can to help her now while it is “just kissing.” I’ve seen it dozens of times: the girl who kisses around ends up fooling around, ends up screwing around. It’s devastating…because she’ll grow older, and wonder why her “friends” never stepped in to help her… But above anything else, your friend needs to be forgiven for what she’s done. Unless she experience absolute forgiveness, she’ll drag that baggage through life

that’s right, you forgive that little lip-slut in the name of Jesus!

and if you are feeling spunky, join me in the comments section where I try to persuade Jill’s readers that if you dress like a slut and act like a slut it’s not really a big surprise when folks start calling you a slut. Imagine that!

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