A pregnancy paradox

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Anne over at Our Homeschool Blog has a funny but practical posting about breast pain during pregnancy. This stood out:

Our breasts are never more attractive to our husbands, and generally, they’re not allowed anywhere near them!

Wow ain’t that the truth! The only times during my life when I could ever be any competition to Pamela Anderson’s full voluptuous figure is during pregnancy, but instead of a “come hither” look, the most I can muster is a pleading, “could you get me an ice bag or the heating pad?” I haven’t decided which feels better. Probably best to just leave them alone.

Although I do sympathize with the predicament this makes for Mr. Pete, I can only sympathize to a point. After all I’m the one going through the pregnancy and delivery! So I really try to de-emphasize them. In fact I have found that to be bound in a solid sports bra covered by a big T shirt or sweater is the most comfortable anyway.

Of course my 5 and 6 year olds are totally oblivious to the entire situation. I am constantly reminding them that they aren’t pillows, they can’t be manipulated and fluffed into shape like a cushion, and I would appreciate it if they would lay their little heads back gently instead of banging them back like they would against the sofa! I may enforce a 2 foot perimeter around my person during reading and t.v. time for the duration!

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