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Special note to my readers.

It turns out the school board member, Rebecca Heimbaugh has some kind of ax to grind against her own district’s digital academy, (or maybe it’s 15 year old boys who want to swim on the swim team she has something against – who knows?) is now actively lobbying our Governor Taft not to sign Senate Bill 18, that was passed last week, partly on Calvin’s behalf! So I am sending out this notice to all my family and friends, and I wanted to post it here as well. If you could spare 30 seconds out of your day to help support this bill (I don’t think it even matters if you’re from out of state- they didn’t ask me my name, district or anything!) please give Governor Taft a ring!



Let Governor Taft know that you think it is only fair that kids who go to digital schools sponsored by their school systems get the same extra curricular perks the other kids do!! Akron Digital Academy turned over $500,000 to the Akron Public Schools last spring- but they won’t let the ADA students play sports, or other activities? That’s outrageous!!!

What’s worse, some on the school board are actively lobbying the Governor NOT TO SIGN THE BILL THAT WAS JUST PASSED GIVING DIGITAL SCHOOL STUDENTS THESE RIGHTS!!!

Call Governor Taft at 614-466-3555 and tell him you support Senator Coughlin’s Senate Bill 18! Tell him to do the right thing!!!!!

You can also e-mail the Governor here.

Please feel free to leave a comment under the posting, or sign my Spiritbook (guestbook). You can chat with me on the tag board to the right!

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