The Superintendent and Me!

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The meeting with the superintendent went very well I thought. He was professional, courteous, took notes, listened and seemed very thoughtful. I wish he made eye contact more, but I’ve known several very good people over the years for whom eye contact was a problem, so I don’t always judge everyone negatively for that.

What he said that I really loved, was that we should try to make the E-school and the regular school so that it works for ALL kids, so every kid gets to do their best in school and sports and I wanted to hug him for that.

In the end though, it’s not his decision, but that of the school board and apparently they got their ears boxed in a few years ago over a similar issue. It seems their was a high school student who decided to be homeschooled, but wanted to continue in art and drama and choir etc. She was very talented. However, some parents got their noses out of joint when she won a spot on a special choir and their kids did not and ever since then the school board has said that only full time students in the school can participate in extra curriculars.

Now comes my family. We aren’t homeschooling Calvin legally. Legally he is a part of the publically supported E-school. So I guess it is up to us to be the ground breakers. Bottom line is we have to present a letter by the 21st and then speak before the school board on the 25th. I hope I don’t throw up.

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