Dysfunctional relationship!

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TS O’Rama singles me and JCecil out for our dysfunctional relationship:

Watching Elena and JCecil go at it is entertaining even though the outcome is never in doubt: they will not change each other’s minds. There is futility and then there is “infinite futility”, a metaphysical futility, and that is what is on display here.

I’m fascinated by how these two seek each other out. Far from avoiding each other they are like magnets, a regular Carville & Matalin. I was surprised to learn that progressives read her blog but shouldn’t have given Walker Percy’s line that “liberals and conservatives need each other…what would they do without the other?”

I kind of think we’re more like Burns and Allen, Lucy and Desi, Victoria and Albert…

I don’t necessarily see debating someone who is so obviously wrong (ha ha!!) as an “infinite futility!” I have had several experiences on debate boards where I KNOW that the day to day challenge and debate lead to some profound changes of heart and minds! Additionally if you can’t change the messenger, you might at least be able to persuade or compel the unknown audience. That’s what keeps me going…

Thanks once again for the gracious notice TSO. It’s much appreciated.

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