From where I sit!

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Sister Chrittistercan stand if she wants to, but excuse me if I sit – it’s easier to reach the keyboard that way!

All over the Blogosphere and particularly St. Blog’s I have read comments such as, “I don’t know who to vote for,” “I can’t vote in this election,” “I’m just not going to vote for the president.”

That simply amazes me. This isn’t brain surgery. It’s not that difficult, and if you’re a Catholic, in my opinion it’s a slam dunk.

The Democratic Party today is not the same party of your parents or grandparents. It’s not the party of the poor and the candidate John Kerry, a multimillionaire, is not the common man. The Democratic party is now a socialist secular party that feels it can best run the country by running the lives of the people with high taxes and social programs. It is highly sexualized, it demeans sexuality, the family, and human life. If those are reflective of your beliefs then that is the party you should vote for.

The Republican Party, in my opinion, is actually more like the Democratic party of my childhood in some respects in that socialism and communism are still ideologies to be avoided. It shares the same American Values of hard work, working for the American Dream. It values families, and individuals from conception through old age until the moment of death. If those are your beliefs, and as Catholics it should be, then that is the party YOU should vote for.

Now a couple of arguments I keep reading is that President Bush is NOT pro life. That’s bunk. I posted Father West’s list of President Bush’s pro-life accomplishments this summer. Make no mistake, John Kerry would repeal everything in his power that restricts abortion. He has voted for abortion and against the rights of the unborn repeatedly. It’s ridiculous to even compare Bush to Kerry on this. If you believe in the right to life for the unborn then you should vote for President Bush.

The other argument that keeps surfacing are the deaths of civilians in Iraq. I rarely if ever hear about the torture, the rape rooms, the mass graves, the gassing of these same civilians under Sadaam Hussein’s regime. That man butchered and tortured his own people on a grand scale. The deaths of civilians during the Iraq war have not be deliberate, they have not been massive. Additionally our soldiers are proud of their humanitarian efforts to bring clean water, food, schools, hospitals, and infrastructure to the country. The same nay sayers never mention the good work that is going on in Iraq.

The critics will also pull out the “just war” argument. That our actions were “pre-emptive” and therefore unjust. I strongly disagree. We are now in a time when the old ways of war no longer hold true. Nations don’t amass an army and make unprovoked attacks. Those days are gone. Global terrorism, hitting our interests repeatedly without retaliation throughout the 80s and 90s and up to 9/11 have been the provocation and our military action now is just retaliation.

To me the answer is very clear. If you want to live in a socialist country, if you want to be taxed heavily if you have a job, or be beholden to the government for everything if you do not, if you want to watch the moral decline in this country go down an even steeper slope, and if you could care less about whether babies die or not I guess you’ll vote for Kerry.

I am voting for President Bush. I believe in a strong democratic government where the people can determine their own future without governmental interference. Where all life is respected and protected and where families are revered and supported. I believe that the purpose of our government is to protect and defend and that’s what it should do instead of micromanaging thousands of little social programs that could be run more efficiently by communities and individuals.

It’s not an election in a way for two men, but for two different ideologies, two different perspectives on the way we want the country to go. Make up your mind and choose.

Please feel free to leave a comment under the posting, or sign my Spiritbook (guestbook). You can chat with me on the tag board to the right!

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