Contraception and abortion – the link

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Believe it or not, there are still many pro-contraception folks out there who want the pro-life people to shut up about contraception and see no link between contraception and abortion.

For those folks, (such as here and here) I offer this article:

Women on the Pill ‘still fall pregnant’
By David Derbyshire, Science Correspondent

(Filed: 30/04/2003)
Many women fall pregnant while taking supposedly effective contraceptives, says a study published yesterday. Researchers found that two thirds of France’s unplanned pregnancies were among women using contraceptives.

A fifth of the unplanned pregnancies happened when women were on the Pill and a tenth were among those using the intra-uterine device (IUD).

France has the highest use of contraception in Europe, but researchers said the findings were likely to be matched across western Europe

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