Another reason I think the argument about liberal ideologies dying out has merit.

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Jill, of The Third Wave Agend says this in her comments section today:

a few things:

-childbirth has been proven to be far more emotionally trying than abortion. this isn’t an argument against childbirth, just as the assertion that abortion is emotionally difficult for some women isn’t a valid argument against abortion (although it has been proven multiple times that most women feel relief after abortion, and so-called “post abortion syndrome” is a myth and remains unrecognized by any credible psychological/psychiatric/medical association). my point isn’t that one is better than the other, simply that pregnant women should be able to decide for themselves what will be best for their own mental health.

-financial costs: finances should not determine one’s medical choice, but the fact remains that giving birth is pretty damn expensive. as coarse as it might sound, this does factor in to the decision to give birth to a child that has no chance of survival.

-phsysical complications: abortion is one of the safest procedures around. it’s eleven times safer than childbirth, and twice as safe as a penicillin shot.

If the pro-abortion, liberal left has been this successful in convicing young women like Jill (21) that childbirth is dangerous and expensive, no wonder their reproduction rates are down! Another example of a movement shooting itself in the foot.

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