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Exclusive breastfeeding is:

SAFE because it contains protective factors which help to prevent and fight infections, such as diarrhoea and pneumonia, and reduce the risk of allergic conditions, particularly asthma.

SOUND because nutrients in breastmilk are present in the right quantity and they are of special quality. Formula and other foods contain nutrients in different amounts, and of very different quality.

SUSTAINABLE because it helps a household’s food security. So long as an infant’s mother, or a wet nurse, is there, breastmilk is available. A woman can make good milk from any mixture of foods, however simple.

Sigh… I really miss having a baby to nurse. I nursed all 5 of mine, the longest for three years, and the shortest for 8 months. It was one of the best things I ever did for my children.

Thanks Tulipgirl and Marsupial Mom for the info!

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