Flannery O’Conner

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I had never heard of Flannery O’Conner prior to reading Amy Welborn’s blog. TSO is also a big fan. In fact he started a blog about her entitled, “If Flannery Had a Blog.” Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of her death and as both made mention of it I curiosity is stirred.

Amy has an article today on how to get started reading O’Conner, so I am posting that here for my own reference and anyone else would like to get started on this writings of this interesting author.

Here is an excerpt:

So once you have all volumes in hand, I would recommend starting with the following stories, for reasons that I cannot defend, except perhaps that they are the most accessible:

“A Good Man is Hard to Find”

“A Temple of the Holy Ghost” (very funny, and the most explicitly “Catholic” of O’Connor’s stories in terms of character and setting.)

“The River” (A heartbreaker, but about baptism, if you can see through the sadness)

“The Displaced Person”


“Parker’s Back”

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