The Deal Hudson issue

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In case you haven’t been following the dirt over on Amy Welborn’s Open Book, here it is in a nut shell.

Deal Hudson outed Ono Ekeh. Ekeh was working for the NCCB by day and moderating Catholics for Kerry …uh.. also by day, and apparently also on the NCCB’ computer. So Ekeh was gone.

In retribution, The National Catholic Reporter did some digging and found some allegations of sexual harrassment (which in my day we called “coming on” to someone)against Deal Hudson from 1995.

Quick note here: I think Mr. Pete would be a good choice to be the voice of morality for the Americn Catholic Church. I’ve known him since he was 15 and honestly the worst thing you could get on him was being a tad lazy in high school and a few traffic violations. I’m really tired of the lay and clerical leadership having their nasty secrets and bad habits (Bennett-gambling) undermining the message with the rest of the secular society and the leftist Catholics.

So Hudson resigns from his position with the Bush campaign.

On the bright side, Christianity Today reports the following:

One person angling for the “position” vacated by Hudson is surely Catholic League president William Donohue, who was almost completely forgotten until he singlehandedly brought down two religious outreach directors in the Democratic Party. Donohue today defends Hudson, joking that “Effective today, the Catholic League has a new requirement for all future employees: all candidates must show proof of being immaculately conceived, that is, they must demonstrate that they were conceived without sin.”

I love Donohue! This could be a blessing in disguise.

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