More Bishop Vasa

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Courtesy Times Against Humanity.

“When the Holy See issues a statement like Cardinal Ratzinger’s memorandum, he was speaking of a broad range of politicians that individual bishops have to make prudential, pastoral judgments upon. I do not know that in the mind of Cardinal Ratzinger he was specifically targeting the presidential candidate. He was looking at the whole gamut of manifest sinners.

If the bishops and Cardinal Ratzinger were dealing exclusively with John Kerry, then probably the USCCB statement is not in harmony with Cardinal Ratzinger’s memo. [emphasis added]

Denying Holy Communion to a pro-abortion Catholic politician may seem like effective action, I wish it were an effective method of achieving conversion and change of heart, but unless there is a change of heart that politician continues to act in a way which supports and cooperates with the evil of abortion.

Thus while denial of Holy Communion, and the preceding dialogue, is an action I would prefer, I must recognize that there are other, perhaps even more effective, ways of achieving a suitable protection of pre-born human life in our country. It seems to me that the most effective way to end abortion is to vote for pro-life candidates.”

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