Why running from Jesuits is now almost a knee jerk reaction.

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Here you can read Fr. Ken Overberg, SJ misguided attempt to give same-sex marriage the theological thumbs up.

I don’t trust a priest who doesn’t wear his Roman Collar with pride anyway. It would be like me not walking around with my wedding ring – it’s dishonest in my opinion.

You can read the discussion that is about to ensue over this here.

Here’s my first comment to get the ball rolling!

Our four gospels never describe Jesus addressing the topic of homosexuality; he says nothing.

My reply:

EXCEPT that Jesus clearly BLESSES the union of a man and a woman in marriage by his presence and his actions in Cana. He also says he comes to fulfill the law. There is no reason whatsoever in the gospels that would lead one to believe that Jesus blessed homosexual unions.

The rest of the priests argument seems to be based on the lack of knowledge of the early biblical writers and theologians. Yet, John Paul the II, whom one could hardly call uninformed or out of touch, has come up with probably one of the most outstanding works on Human sexuality from a Catholic perspective called the Theology of the Body. I notice that Father Overberg doesn’t go near that with a 10 foot pole!! How honest or brave is his article when he doesn’t take on one of the most insightful works on the topic by one of the most beloved and respected popes in modern times?

I found this like particularly amusing

All this in the context of trust in the Spirit’s guidance.

And who is guided more than the Pope? And he has produced this great work. Gosh, maybe the spirit is trying to tell Father Overberg something!!

And here is where Father, in my opinion, just steps into the realm of (gasp) heresy.

What a wonderful example and grace for our society and Church such an event would be! And isn’t something terribly wrong if it is not even possible?

No Father, there is nothing wrong with the church being unwilling to bend for every passing carnal pleasure that comes into vogue. Its’ not her job to do that. What’s wonderful that no matter what direction the winds of secular society blow, the church stands strong in the face of them. That’s wonderful.

And to you Steve – I kinda don’t think St. Ignatius (you know, the guy who said he would believe black was white if the church said it was so) would back you on this one and I’m pretty sure he’d hand out some pretty severe spiritual exercises to Father Overberg

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