New Iraqi Government THANKING the US.

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While Senatory Kennedy continues to talk about the naked prisoner pictures (uh… what’s up with that?) The Iraqi government is profusely thanking the US and Great Britain for a job well done!


Iraqi Gratitude

The new government is thanking America and Bush. Why are the media silent?

Tuesday, June 8, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT

A myth has developed that Iraqis aren’t grateful for their liberation from Saddam. So it’s worth noting that the leaders of Iraq’s new interim government have been explicit and gracious in their thanks, not that you’ve heard this from the U.S. media.

First in Arabic and then in English, Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said in his inaugural address to the Iraqi people last Tuesday that “I would like to record our profound gratitude and appreciation to the U.S.-led international coalition, which has made great sacrifices for the liberation of Iraq.” In his own remarks, President Ghazi al-Yawer said: “Before I end my speech, I would like us to remember our martyrs who fell in defense of freedom and honor, as well as our friends who fell in the battle for the liberation of Iraq.”

Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told the U.N. Security Council much the same thing last Thursday: “We Iraqis are grateful to the coalition who helped liberate us from the persecution of Saddam Hussein’s regime. We thank President Bush and Prime Minister Blair for their dedication and commitment.”

Thanks Watersblogged for the link.

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