The last bits of the End of Marriage in Scandinavia Article.

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In response to blogs I had been reading which questioned how Same Sex marriage could possibly affect heterosexual unions, I have been breaking this article down into small chunks this week. (Interestingly none of the bloggers I invited to comment have touched my posts.)

So far, I have covered the first 6 pages of the article. The author, Stanley Kurtz, makes some additional points in the second half of the article.

“Since its adoption, gay marriage has brough division and decline to Norway’s Lutheran Church.”

We’ve certainly seen division amongst Catholics on this issue. Certainly the legalization in this country of SSM will not end the division, only deepen it, much as the acceptance of contraception and abortion has.

“Gay marriage lessened the church’s authority by splitting it into warring factions and providing the secular media with occaions to mock and expose divisions.”

Gee, sounds familiar.

“Gay marriage also elevated the church’s openly rebellious minority liberal faction to national visibility, alowing Norwegians to feel that thir proclivity for unmarried parenthood, if not fully approved by the church, was at least not strongly condemned. IF the “conservative case” for gay marriage had been valid, clergy who were supportive of gay marriage would have taken a strong public stand against unmarried heterosexual parenthood. This didn’t happen. It was the conservative clergy who criticized the prince, while the liberal supporters of gay marriage tolerated his decisions. The message was not lost on the ordinary Norwegians, who continued their flight to unmarried parenthood.”

“In making her case, Melby (Kari Melby a social historian) praised gay parenting, along with voluntary single motherhood, as equally worthy alternatives to the traditional family. So instad of noting that an expectant mother might want to follow the example of marriage that even gays were now setting, Melby invoked homosexual families as proof that a child can do well with one parent as two.

The article also explored somewhat the affect of SSM on parenthood. In my own opinion, when the laws support adoption by same sex couples, or when society gives the nod to reproductive technologies that allow same sex couples to use sperm donors or surrogate mothers, it is saying that the role of “mother” and “father” is not essential to a healthy child. I vehemently disagree with that. There simply is no substitute for the gifts that both the mother, the woman, the feminine half of a union can give to her children, just as there is no substitute for the father, man, masculine. The two in God’s plan, compliment and support each other and give a well rounded foundation for offspring.

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