Friendly light hearted banter with Tom of Disputations!

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Tom doesn’t entirely agree with my take on Father E’s letter to Nancy Pelosi. He made the following comments to my reply

Paul, Elena, and LRS:

Thank you for clarifying for the rest of us the meaning of the expression “if it feels good, do it.”

Not only do your comments manifest an utterly infantile understanding of public discourse, they were intellectually dishonest in the extreme.

You don’t care about how Nancy Pelosi, or anyone who agrees with her, reacts to the letter. Just admit it.

I hold out hope that some day you will see the light and want to reconcile with the Church you have so brazenly misrepresented. If so, email me. I will post your confession. But get ready to feel some serious humiliation.

My reply

You don’t care about how Nancy Pelosi, or anyone who agrees with her, reacts to the letter. Just admit it.

Not quite. I actually hope she reacts to it as I HAVE WHEN SIMILAR STATEMENTS (which were true) WERE MADE TO ME. Like an electrical shock through the body, like a bucket of ice over the head… did I use the naked in a room of mirrors analogy yet? That too.

Sometimes Tom, the heart is so hardened it needs a good JOLT to get it going again.

On the other hand, your statment isn’t entirely untrue either. I care more about the slaughter of the babies that Ms. Pelosi and her ilk ALLOW and SUPPORT than her freely chosen path too hell.

If her feelings have to be bruised a little to save lives – so be it.

Tom also had some problems with this phrase from Father E’s letter:

You have lost your faith. Just admit it.

He considers it taunting.

That was the part that made me weep. Finally. Finally someone is noticing the elephant in the room! The awful truth. What everyone knows deep down but has been unable or unwilling to put into the awful words. Yes, the faith has been lost. Maybe it was never there to begin with. Maybe this is the result of years of watered down religion classes, Mickey Mouse religion texts and milk toast sermons. Maybe it’s all of the above. The point is, the truth is out there now. It’s been spoken. This isn’t a matter of conscience, or the right to “question” church teaching. It’s the challenge – Do you believe? or don’t you? That’s challenging.

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