Chance to really participate in some Catholic Social Justice!

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If you’ve been reading about Terri Shiavo and wondering how the heck that Judge Greer can rule that she is brain dead when she clearly isn’t. If you’ve been wondering what is anti-life agenda is, wonder no more because it may not matter if enough citizens stand together and support his opponant in the upcoming election. Judge Greer is no longer running unopposed! Jan Govanis running for the bench, but as you can imagine, Judge Greer has a nice head start and has more money behind him. I thought the blogger at Vociferous Yawpings put it well.

Also this from Father Rob:

Speaking of victories and prayers, it appears that one prayer of mine and many others has been answered: Judge George Greer, the “unjust judge” who has repeatedly and sometimes unaccountably ruled in favor of Michael Schiavo’s efforts to end Terri’s life, is being challenged in this fall’s election. Jan Govan, an attorney from Clearwater, Fla., is running against Greer. He reports that he has been motivated to run by Greer’s activist rulings in the Terri Schiavo case. Govan faces an uphill battle, as Greer has already collected around $55,000 from area lawyers and supporters, according to Furthermore, judicial elections usually have poor response, which works in the favor of incumbents. But now that someone is actually willing to oppose Greer, we have cause to hope that didn’t exist before. So let Govan’s victory be the subject of our prayers.

Let it be the subject of our pocket books too! Donate to Jan Govan’s campaing here.

There’s no reason why we can’t support Govan in the upcoming election and send him some cash. If the total cost of the election is only $55,000, then there’s no reason that we can’t toss some coin into Mr. Govan’s election fund. Now is a chance to make a serious difference in the political and judicial process. I’m sure Fr. Rob will send back info on contributions when he can. As soon as I hear, I’ll pass the information along. This is an opportunity that MUST NOT be passed up! This kind of activism begins with YOU, dear reader of these words!

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