Baby boomer blog

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Very interesting stuff on the Boomer Death Watch Blog:

This entry on “late boomer” Captain Ed’s Captain’s Quarters blog looks at the rightward shift of young people (which began almost imperceptibly, as far as my own experience showed, with the ideologically depressed denizens of Gen. X). It’s a phenomenon that seems to confound the ideologues of the Democratic party this year, especially those in Howard Dean’s campaign who expected tidal wave of support from the young that … uh … never came. (Cue sad, wilting ‘understatement of the year’ music.)

“This relentless focus on their own youth as a mythical Golden Age, combined with their greedy, ever-increasing grasp on public resources in the form of expanding retirement entitlements must strike the younger generation as ridiculous and tiresome. Even younger boomers such as myself wonder when my ge-ge-ge-generation will finally realize that they are not the center of the universe. In this environment, the Beatles and Tipper Gore are irrelevant, except as reminders of how narcissistic boomers remain.”

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