The watered down Catholic Text books

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My favorite Catholic texts are The Image of God Series and Faith and Light. The new Didache series for high school looks very good too. The bishops continue to find problems in other texts.

Since June 2001, just one-third of texts submitted to Hughes’ committee have received its approval. Hughes said the committee found a pattern of deviations from Catholic teaching in the books:

• Tentative language that depicts Catholic doctrine as a matter of opinion, not fact.

• Weak explanations of the importance of church hierarchy and the church’s ban on female priests.

• References to “partners” rather than husbands and wives.

• The depiction of the Bible as a historical document.

• Presenting premarital abstinence as a way to avoid pregnancy or AIDS, rather than necessary to avoid committing a sin.

Since June 2001, just one-third of texts submitted to Hughes’ committee have received its approval. Hughes said the committee found a pattern of deviations from Catholic teaching in the books:

• Tentative language that depicts Catholic doctrine as a matter of opinion, not fact.

• Weak explanations of the importance of church hierarchy and the church’s ban on female priests.

• References to “partners” rather than husbands and wives.

• The depiction of the Bible as a historical document.

• Presenting premarital abstinence as a way to avoid pregnancy or AIDS, rather than necessary to avoid committing a sin.

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