This might be a good reason to homeschool through college!

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Thanks to the Newman Society Report on anti-Catholic, Catholic Universities!!

Here are some of the ones singled out in the report.

Aquinas College

Boston College


Francisan University (in Clinton IA)

Georgetown (no surprise here)

College of the Holy Cross


University of Detroit

John Carroll in Cleveland

Loyola University of Chicago

Marquette Univrsity

Regis College

St. John Fisher College

St. John University

Depressingly, John Carroll is in my diocese. Here is the blurb on that:

Paul Lauritzen has been a Religious Studies professor since 1985 and the Chairman of the Religious Studies Department since 1999. He is Director of the Program in Applied Ethics and teaches bioethics and religious ethics. Lauritzen testified in a report prepared for teh July 2003 metting of the U.S. Presiden’ts Council on Bioethics that the human embryo is not a person. “I do not think the early embryo is a person, and I believe that both embryonic adn adult stem cell research should go forward under a system of strict regulation,” Lauritzen wrote in the paper titled “The Ethics of Stem Cell Research”. The paper argues against the Catholic Church’s insistence that laws concerning stem cell research be rooted in respoect for the human embryo as ” a human subject with a well defined identify.” Lauritzen argues that the embryo’s status with individual rights is problematic and less important tha societal concerns about the impact of embryonic stem cell research. IN a February 2004 letter to a campus newspaper, Lauritzen called Catholic teaching on contraception “misguided” and argeud “the moral necessity of using condoms to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS”.

This guy should be sacked.

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