New religion series for high school students

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The new Didache Serieslooks very promising for high school students.

Here’s a review from Professor Scott Hahn –

As a Catholic educator I welcome the “Didache” religion textbook series and recommend it wholeheartedly.

With its basis in Scripture and in the teachings found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this series should be a great asset to those concerned with teaching Catholicism in its richness and entirety.

There is a definite need for textbooks that adequately present the Catholic Faith to young people. The “Didache” series responds to that need.

and Francis Cardinal George

“These two books of the series respond well to a request I made three years ago for high school texts that would set out clearly and adequately the teaching of the Catholic Church.

They offer an approach to that teaching substantial enough to win the respect and interest of students. Scripture, the liturgy, the writings of the Church Fathers, the teaching of Vatican II, of the Popes, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church make up their rich content.

Traditional words unique to the Catholic Church, those “belief” words that are an essential vocabulary for Catholic literacy and for insight into revealed truth, are used and explained.

I warmly recommend these two books to high school teachers and students, to those responsible for the RCIA and to all who serve in positions of lay ecclesial ministry.”

The books are around $30 each and the teacher’s guide $25, although they have that on CD for $10. I might have to check this out.

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