I haven’t been slacking off!

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I’ve been traveling around St. Blog’s trying to drop dabs of common sense where I feel some is lacking!

Here a blogger named Jeff apparently thought that when SS marriage became legal it would somehow directly affect HIS marriage. (OK, I know he was being sarcastic.) Without drawing the gentleman a diagram I have tried to direct his attention to a few key points as well as the gentleman who is also commenting – Mark.

I’ve also been defending the faith against a bigoted anti-Catholic cartoon here
pointing out how propoganda decreases our sensitivity to immorality here

How passivism and handing over the keys to your SUV probably won’t bring world peace here

Oh, and just because the knee-jerk reaction of folks anxious to get on the contraceptive bandwagon despite the 1968 encyclial does not make for Sensus fidelium, (otherwise know as, “how the heck can you say eating meat is bad and still support artificial birth control is beyond me!) here.

Please feel free to leave a comment under the posting, or sign my Spiritbook (guestbook). You can chat with me on the tag board to the right!

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