Getting into it everywhere!

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I’m finding myself getting into discussions all over Blogdom!

A good discussion I hope to continue with Jeffrey here.

TONS of discussion over at JCecil’s

Some of my highlights of my replies to JCecil – uh…which he has avoided thus far. JCecil in italics. My responses in blue

7) Missionary Activity: No Catholic would deny that the state of the person in eternity is more important than a person’s physical condition here on earth.

Nonetheless, don’t we have a moral obligation under the golden rule to listen to others before we preach?

and the chapter and verse for the Q&A session before the sermon on the mount would be where exactly?

And shouldn’t we be concerned about the elimination of poverty and oppression along-side of our evangelical efforts?

Sure. I think the Catholic church does a superb job of doing just that. It is one of the largest charitable organizations in the world today.

Indeed, would our evangelical activity not be more effective if we stood with and for the poor and oppressed of the world?

Two words – Mother Theresa.

And doesn’t standing with and for another mean that you first have to listen to the other and learn from the other and come to see the world from their point of view?

If standing with means agree with -Not always. I can stand with an unwed mother who wants to abort, I can listen to her reaons all day long, but that doesn’t mean I have to agree or support any of them.

Rather than coming to others with the patronizing message that we have all the answers and a lock on all truth, shouldn’t we go out to the world in the spirit of mutual dialogue and respect?

Respect and humility always. Dialogue however is a liberal “buzz word.” It means “let’s talk until you do it my way.” No, I don’t think we always have to “dialogue” in order to preach or live the Gospel. Jesus didn’t. Don’t believe me? Re-read John 6.


Lastly, Nathan of The Tower is back and not a happy camper!!

These are my comments on his post about the bishop/communion/politicians thing.

Nathan, when Judas ate with our Lord, it was before he actually publically betrayed him. Same with the tax collectors.

You might want to re-read Matthew 7

21″Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Abortion is an unspeakable evil that these politicians. TO put it graphically Nathan, they support and defend the practice of ripping, burning, mutilating and prying an innocent life from the safety of his/her mother’s womb. What they are doing, even if it is just terrible ignorance on their part (which I highly doubt) gives doubt and scandal to the rest of the faithful.

How can you possibly support and defend them!? How can you possibly say that their right to the Eucharist is more important than the right of your unborn brothers and sisters to life?

Nathan: First, I disagree that the bishops, many of whom have actually ordered that Kerry be denied Communion, can know the state of his soul.

We know he’s not humble. We know that he does not believe a baby is a peson. We know that even if his main reason is to support “women” he still voted against the fetal victim bill saying that an unborn life is not as valuable.

It’s one thing to be in grievous error, but to be told again and again that one is in error, by the bishops, priests, and other Catholics is a good indication of the state of ones soul.

I think I’m seeing a pattern here.

Nathan : Also, I’d imagine there are a number of bishops who were and are in a state of mortal sin because of the sex abuse crisis (I’m thinking of Cardinal Law here, among others). Who will deny them Communion? No one has so far.

I don’t see any of them standing up and supporting the sex scandal!!! That’s the difference. BTW, once some one has made a good confession and repented, changed their ways they are no longer in a state of mortal sin

Nathan’s response to me and some others was a surprising –

Everyone else – If you don’t have anything positive to say, don’t say anything at all, all right? This is my blog and I reserve the right not to be told how wrong I am every time I post something, and if necessary I’ll ban every last one of you from commenting. You always have the option not to read my heretical views, please feel free to exercise that option if you’re too scandalized by what I have to say.

Okey doke…

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