Father homeschools daughter in the wilderness.

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Interesting story.

“The father, who is a very responsible man, didn’t want he nor his daughter in a homeless situation in an urban environment where they would be susceptible to drugs, alcohol or other problems that we encounter in an urban environment,” said Anderson. He was just looking out for her best interest.”

Even though the child and father lived for such a long time disconnected from society, the girl had been home schooled and was in good physical shape.

In fact, the girl received a very good education from her father while living among the trees. Officials said the girl, who would be normally in 7th grade, is at a 12th grade equivalency.

“When we interviewed this little girl, she was very impressive. She really was very responsible, and she really looked as though she was way advanced in her years, in mental alertness and her responsiveness to (the police),” Anderson said. “She was genuinely appreciative of us getting involved and finding a location for them to be.”

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