The epidural question

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The gentleman are having a nicely discussion about epidurals on Jcecil’s blog. Never mind that I was the only one there that has actually given birth or that I have done that 6 times!

Don’t get me wrong- I loved my very first epidural. I remember feeling the relief and sticking my tongue out at the fetal monitor. Big contractions? Bring it on!!! I couldn’t feel a thing! (As if the monitor was giving me the pain – that was stupid.)

But as I mentioned on that blog, my delivery quickly turned to chaos, fetal distress, long long labor, ineffective pushing and finally a C-section that caused its own share or problems. My research afterwards showed me that a lot of my problems could have been avoided if I had had a knowledgeable doula with me and if I could have avoided the epidural.

I’m not saying that I am anti-epidural or that in some cases it isn’t actually a very helpful delivery tool. What I am saying is that moms need to educate themselves about the risks and benefits of this (and really any invasive procedure) and how it will affect them and their babies.

Epidural information:

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