President Bush for a secure America

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Today is Wictory Wednesday. From the Bush/Cheney site:

The President’s most important job is to protect and defend the American homeland. Since September 11, 2001, the nation has made tremendous progress achieving this goal.

Last year, President Bush proposed and Congress approved a single, unified Department of Homeland Security to improve protection against today’s threats and be flexible enough to help meet the unknown threats of the future. By unifying over 22 agencies and offices, the President has improved the government’s ability to protect our infrastructure, guard our borders and patrol our skies.

The President has seen a great number of his goals met, including:

Creation of the Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC): TTIC will merge and analyze all threat information collected domestically and abroad in a single location.

Launch of the Container Security Initiative: The Container Security Initiative establishes tough new procedures and created new partnerships with the world’s largest ports to target high-risk cargo before it leaves for our shores.

Signing of the Smart Border Declaration: The United States and Canada signed the Smart Border Declaration, outlining 30 action items for increasing security, enhancing joint law enforcement, improving physical and technological infrastructure, and facilitating the trade and movement of people between the two countries.

Launched the Homeland Security Command Center: a national 24-7 watch operation

Improvement of Airport Security: More than 50,000 newly trained federal screeners are deployed at our nation’s airports, where new baggage inspection equipment helped TSA institute 100 percent checked baggage screening.

Reorganizing the FBI: The FBI transformed into an agency focused on preventing domestic terrorism.

This is why I support this man to be the leader of our nation. Today is Wictory Wednesday. I believe he has lived up to his oath of office, to preserve, protect and defend the constitution and our way of life. Please support President Bush with your time, talent, treasure and definitely with your prayers, in his bid for re-election.

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