Weight and being heavy

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Over at Summa Mamas they are having a sort of theological discussion on weight, being overweight, sin, obsession etc. It’s kind of timely for me.

I only gained a lot of weight when I had a baby. With each baby I gained at least 50 pounds. After baby # 4 I was on the way to losing the weight when I became pregnant with baby #5 ( 6 months later). The birth of #5 was very traumatic, (race to the hospital, emergency C-section under general anesthetic etc. etc.) and although I lost 20 pounds or so, I think I kept some of that weight as a buffer, protection or whatever from another pregnancy. It’s not getting a new baby that’s the problem, but the trauma of pregnancy and delivery really messed with my mind after that one.

Of course I did get pregnant with baby #6 and gained those 20 pounds back plus a few more and when that baby died I didn’t give a damn about the weight or much of anything else. As I blogged previously, 12 of those pounds came off last year and I have been holding that line since before Christmas. I always have been able to maintain very well. However I have more to lose and I just haven’t been motivated to get started again.

My best friend turned 45 yesterday (Yea T!!) and she has been going to Jazzercise 3-4 times a week since October and lost 50 pounds! WOW!! I had such fun talking to her last night about all of this and hearing her motivation and excitement about her progress, I think some of it may have rubbed off on me too!! So maybe I can get that ever steady maintenance line to start heading downard again!

By the way, when I speak of a line, I literally mean a line. I have the Weight Commander downloaded on my computer and it literally tracks my weight for me. A nice little tool although brutally honest!

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