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A small victory!

OK, it’s about my diet 🙂

I have officially crossed that arbitrary line between obese and overweight – uh… crossed over in the right direction I should add!!

Ten years ago I would have been mortified if someone suggested that I would even be considered clinically obese – but as life goes I entered the stratosphere were the first digit of my weight number was a 2. I was certainly counting on breastfeeding and the business of motherhood to take it off as it had in times past, but since I lost the baby, or course none of that happened.

I didn’t realize how much breastfeeding really burns off… Almost effortlessly!! But this time, saddened by the loss and everything else I basically just looked at the number on the scale, gave it the proverbial finger, and dug out the old postpartum clothes. I really, for the first time in my life, couldn’t have cared less.

Things started to turn around for me a bit last March, about 4 months after the stillbirth. My Jazzercise instructor was having an attendance game for a water mug. Now, I really needed a water mug, but this one is nothing special, clear plastic with a gray lid. Still it looked rather nice and it held a lot of liquid and so I just made up my mind I was going to earn a water mug. March is a good time too because the kids are off at swimming so I could attend more classes. I dropped a good four pounds.

OK, so I was off to a good start but when swimming started again and I could only get in there 3 times a week, I plateaued big time. Well, at least I wasn’t gaining and I did get my water mug. I was content. End of the weight loss.

A friend at Jazzercise mentioned Dotty’s Weight loss zone on the web and I looked at it. It was very inspiring and it made me at least care about the lumps of lard I was carrying around. I bought the Weight Commander from her site. Wow, something about actually recording your weight everyday on this computer program and watching the line go up and down was sort of inspiring. So I lost weight again, but it was certainly not a straight shot down. There are more peaks and valleys on that graph line than in a fibrillating EKG!! Still the overall trend was downward and I was again content.

About a month ago I realized I was down 10 pounds from the day of the funeral and with a little effort I could be an even 190 my Thanksgiving. All month I worked on that 2 pounds. There were the usual ups and downs that I just expect now – it’s the way my body operates I guess, but when I stepped on the scale Thanksgiving Day.. TA DA!!! I did it and more importantly, I didn’t blow it with too much feasting!!

OK, I know, 12 pounds in a year is grindingly slow, but nonetheless I am very enthusiastic. In fact, gulp… I’m making goals – 50 pounds by my birthday June 1. Heck, if I just lose 11 I’ll be the slimmest I’ve been since my 4th baby was born almost 6 years ago and that will be worth celebrating.

I realize that I am finally hitting my dieting stride into the major holiday season but I’m praying to persevere and stick to my goal.

Feeling more normal… finally!!

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