Probably a good idea

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Tis the season to be jolly, but these discussions sometimes stir up more negative thoughts and emotions than we ought to be having this time of year.

In all honesty, in a quest for holiness, these discussions and the negative thoughts and emotions they bring on should probably be avoided the rest of the year as well.

Today is the Feast of Mary’s Immaculate Conception. We honor Mary for being God’s perfect creature and yet with her perfect free will still saying “Yes” to God, and “yes” to His plan for her life, as dfficult and painful at times as that turned out to be, and yet because of Mary’s faithful obedience she now shares in the glory of her son’ Jesus Christ, just as we all can and do when we share in his cross.

It seems appropriate therefore for this board that calls itself “Catholic” and yet encourages dissent and, disobedience as well as the mocking and persecution of those who are willing to defend the church’s teaching should close down – forever would be nice, but at least over the holy seasons of Advent and Christmas.

Advent blessings and a Merry Christmas to all who care enough about the Church to visit here and read a few threads.

as long as you don’t post in disagreement apparently.

Even if we disagree, let us affirm at this time of year our common bond in Christ and our gratitude for God’s mercy poured out on us through the Incarnation.

May the broken body of Christ be united one day as Christ intended. Amen

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