Sacrifice and birth control

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Any couple that uses contraception natural or otherwise, ends up making sacrifices in the long run. For some not having more children that they desire is a sacrifice for the greater good of their communities.

On this I actually agree. ABC users do make a lot of sacrifices.

1. There is time in doctor’s visits to procure contraceptives.

2. Money for birth control pills, doctor’s visits, procedures, travel time etc.

3. From skin rashes and irritations to infections to even death from the use of hormonal or invasive contraceptive procedures.

4. The sacrifice of having more children.

However, suffering for the sake of suffering is not good or holy. Suffering the cross without Christ is meaningless.

The sacrifices in married life with regard to family planning that the church calls us to are the sacrifices that come from obedience and marital chastity and then only for grave and serious reasons. Otherwise our call is to a generosity in receiving and raising children and the normal sacrifices that come with that.

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