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There are lots of reasons for starting to blog, I guess. Frankly, it’s a new part of the web that I only recently became aware of and once I got started reading a few favorites (Like Amy Welborn) I thought I’d like to try my own.

One of the new bloggers in St. Blog’s parish said “everyone needs their own soapbox” and I that struck a cord with me. Yea, I think he’s right. And at least on a blog where you are you’re own editor and not a guest you can get a lot of this out of your system, as Father J says, “so I don’t exlode!”

So why the Domestic Church? Because I like the sound of it. I like Pope John Paul’s encouragement that our holiness doesn’t just happen in our parish church on Sunday but in our own homes as we try to get ourselves and our families through this “vale of tears” and into our eternal homes in heaven.

So I’ll probably focus on how my own family is doing on that. How our path to holiness faces it’s ups and downs. A real challenge on that journey was the stillbirth of our 6th child, Raphael, last year. It’s something I’m still working through myself and with my children as we try to move through the grief and yet remember and honor this little soul that we had in our lives so briefly.

We also face the special challenges of a homeschool family and all that that entails.

A special interest of mine has been the Pope’s Theology of the Body and the beautiful teaching of Humanae Vitae and how that definitely impacts the Domestic Church particularly the couple in the sacrament of marriage. It was on a quest do learn more and defend this teaching that I stumbled across this board

Birth Control Catholic Church

and it has been a real challenge. Having been banned there several times for speaking the truth about this teachings, I’ve decided just to take my frustrations, and feelings about the discussions over there, here. That should make everyone happier.

That all said, here I go…

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