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This That and the Other Thing: Sunday Snippets–A Catholic Carnival
Sunday Snippets–A Catholic Carnival is a weekly opportunity to share our best posts with the wider Catholic blogging community. To participate, create a post highlighting posts that would be of interest to Catholics and link to the host blog at http://rannthisthat.blogspot.com. Go to the host blog and leave a comment giving a link to your post.

I’d like to direct readers to my posting on “The message” based on 1 Corinthians and 2 Timothy.

Also another link to this ongoing discussion between Protestants and Catholics, which is for the most part, predictable. Other than the part where a commenter opines that one can’t be a good Catholic and a good Christian, it’s relatively civil.

Other than that I just want to blog a bit about selling Plan B birth control to 17 year olds.

Mr. Pete has had a nasty toenail fungus for years. Last year his dermatologist prescribed a special anti-fungal nailpolish to put on his toenails. So Mr. Pete had the cost of the office visit which I think was around $40 to get a prescription just to take care of a toenail problem. I should also mention that Mr. Pete was 50 and he pretty much knows a toenail problem when he sees it.

So basically the government, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that a 17 year old girl, who can’t drink legally or vote, has enough wisdom and maturity to go into the drug store and buy potent hormones that will powerfully affect her body – but a 50 year old working man doesn’t have it together enough to buy tonail fungus medicine?


This recent decision was not medical. It wasn’t even based on sound logic. This was political.

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