Holiday Links and Resources for 2024-Christ the King to Candlemas 2025
There’s a well-known blogger who puts her Christmas decorations up the first week in October and takes them down in March. She says that every time of the year is appropriate for rejoicing in the birth of Jesus.
I say … Read the rest
Making a Unique Homeschool Schedule
Get Free Easy 16-page planner – link at the end of this post.
Lots of new homeschooling moms ask this very basic question –
How much time will this take and how can I get it all done?
The answer … Read the rest
How to Write a Meaningful Letter to Your Confirmation Candidate They’ll Treasure
It seems that one of the biggest events in confirmation preparation in this country is the letters of support to be given to the confirmation candidates during their mandatory retreats.
I have three such letters saved on this blog:
- Confirmation
A glorious Day
We stopped our homeschool yesterday to watch the Inauguration of the 47th president of the United States. My impressions:
The President’s own Band was splendid. Special shout out to the piccolo player who did an awesome job throughout the ceremonies. … Read the rest
The Girl that Radiates Gentleness, Feast of St. Agnes
Photo by Father Lawrence Lew OP
St. Agnes has a special place in the heart of Mr. Pete. He grew up in St. Agnes Parish in Flint, Michigan. He went to grade school and received all of his sacraments there. … Read the rest
Live to Die another day- Feast of Noble St. Sebastian (HT To the Awesome St. Irene)
Father Lawrence Lew, OP via Flickr, licensed cc.
Today is the feast of St. Sebastian, who is also the patron of the church I attend. In honor of our patron saint, our pastor wrote some lyrics to go to the … Read the rest
St. Anthony – a midwinter reminder for Moms
My contribution to a few years ago!
It often seems to me that the Church has strategically placed little feasts and celebrations throughout the liturgical year just to bolster the spirits of the faithful. Today is one such feast … Read the rest
6 Things I wish I had known before Homeschooling High School.
It’s that time of year again – homeschool moms are pouring over curriculum catalogs and trying to determine what to buy and what to teach next year. Moms with kids going into high school for the first time might feel … Read the rest
11th Day of Christmas – and Feast of Elizabeth Seton
A. currell via flickr licensed cc 2.0
I always liked Elizabeth Seton because I could relate to her as a married woman and as a mother trying to educate her children. Catholics schools have adopted her as a patroness, … Read the rest
Feast of the Epiphany
Traditionally, the feast of the Epiphany is celebrated on January 6. However, in the United States, it is celebrated on the Sunday between January 2 and January 8th -probably to make sure as many American Catholics as possible can make … Read the rest
The Holy Name Of Jesus – 10th day of Christmas
Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus
V. Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Christ, have mercy on us.
V. Lord, have mercy on us. Jesus, hear us.
R. Jesus, graciously hear us.
V. God the Father of Heaven
R. … Read the rest
A celebration of angels – the 9th day of Christmas
Nine Ladies Dancing
The old carol, the 12 Days of Christmas, was written in a cryptic way to aid the memory in recalling different points of the faith. My favorite thing to recall on this day is the nine choirs … Read the rest