Celebrating Our Lady of Lourdes

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The Sick come to Our Lady of Lourdes

Today is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes!

Father Lawrence Lew, OP via Flickr, licensed cc
 In 1858, a 14-year-old girl named Bernadette Soubirous, started seeing a beautiful lady near her hometown of Lourdes in southern France.  Bernadette said the lady wore white, with a blue girdle and golden roses on her feet and a pearl rosary.

The lady visited Bernadette in this out-of-the-way grotto 18 times and referred to herself as “The Immaculate Conception.” During one of their visits, she had Bernadette dig in the mud and a miraculous spring of water came forth. Ever since that day, many have come to be cured in the waters of this spring. 

I have always loved that story and I have told my kids and my husband, if it ever gets to the point that I require extraordinary medical procedures to stay alive- I’d rather take a trip to France and see Lourdes!! Even if I don’t get a cure at least I’ll have made one last pilgrimage to a place I’ve always imagined!

Things to do today!

  • Go to mass if possible.
  • Pray the rosary as a family.
  • Make peg saints! Here are Rosie’s efforts in years past of Mary and St. Bernadette
Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette.

The Story of Our Lady of Lourdes in French   and in English.

In years past the kids and I have watched The Song of Bernadette.  It is streaming on Amazon. 

 I know it made an impression on them because they have brought up parts of the movie in the past. The poverty of the Soubirous family was very striking.  I have two favorite scenes. The first is of  Bernadette digging the spring at Lourdes. The second is where she reveals her terrible suffering just before she dies – that part always gets me!

This site is pretty neat. It talks about Lourdes and about the incorruptible body of St. Bernadette with pictures!

This is an approved apparition in the church.  You can read Pope Pius’s Encyclical on Lourdes for yourself. Pius XII on Lourdes.

24-Inch Our Lady of Lourdes Statue

Birthday Cupcake Delivery
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1 Comment

  1. You’re a bully. Mean to people of color, minorities and anyone with different preferences than you. Keep on posting your religions content though.

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