7-Quick Takes – updated!

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Join the other Quicktakers at This Ain’t the Lyceum.

1.  Noah’ s “radical clavicle” is well on the mend. His orthopedic surgeon saw him today and told him that he didn’t need to come back any more, because his clavicle is filling in with bone and healing well.  He did tell him that he probably should refrain from “going nuts” for another month (no heavy lifting or extreme sports) but he should be good to go after that. And he is running with the varsity team right now, getting his strength and endurance back – so that’s all good.

The surgeon did warn him though that he could easily break that clavicle again, and this time it will be a harder fix – either at the sternum or the shoulder.  I’m hoping that perhaps he can get through the rest of his life without ever fracturing it again!  After all, no one else in the family has EVER fractured their clavicle – so maybe he can avoid doing so as well.


Fingers crossed any way.

2.   The youth group is going to Franciscan University for the youth conference this weekend.  Izzy and my goddaughter are going and very excited about it.  Noah is not going however. He wanted to retake the ACT exam tomorrow and this is the last chance to take it before next school year.  He did not want to take it in the fall and potentially miss a  cross country meet, so this was really the only time to take it. He’s looked over all of his questions from last time and knows what he needs to do to raise the score for English and Math. So we are crossing our fingers!

3.   The girls are on the way to Steubenville.

June 2015, franciscan 012

 The Knights of Columbus donated funds for the rental van.

June 2015, franciscan 003

 After helping Clavin move in April and now helping the youth group, those guys are my heroes! I love the K of C!

may crowning and jeremy's procession may 2015 011

4.  We have some trouble in paradise with my granddaughter’s parents. But no matter what happens, I am going to try to be the best grandmother for my granddaughter that I can be!  My back yard is turning into a toddler paradise – with a pool and this play slide that I got at a yard sale for $15!  I just want her to have good memories and feel safe and loved here, always.

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5.  Rosie is running with the high school boys cross country team this summer. She started on Monday and was kind of shy about it, but she kept up with most of the team and even ran with the coach! Yesterday she was even thrilled that she felt like vomiting at the end of her workout, because to her, that meant she really gave her all!  While I don’t advocate getting my litle girl sick every day, this week has shown her that she is a good runner, and she can keep up and even surpass runners on this high school team.

Mr. Pete wants to make her a T-shirt that says:

I run like a girl.

Try to keep up!

rosie running to the finish line

6.  Here’s a feel good story for homeschoolers wondering if they should continue through high school.

Overall, I feel that being homeschooled was an incredible opportunity that helped to set me up for success. After graduating from high school, I took the ACT and scored a 32, enabling me to apply to any college I wanted. Currently, I’m an art major at Oklahoma Christian University. I’m on track to graduate a year early in order to become a photographer and have been able to maintain a 4.0 GPA. Having an educational experience that was tailored to my needs and learning style has really helped me to flourish in the college environment, and I’m glad to have had that experience.Although I know that some people think of homeschoolers in the context of being sheltered or “weird”, I actually have an incredibly normal life. I have an iPhone and a boyfriend, I wear makeup and shorts, I’m in a sorority, and I have short hair. I’m a member of MENSA, I’ve been a competitive cheerleader and gymnast, I run and lift, and I currently coach gymnastics both at a gym at school and one at home during the summer. In short, I’m just an average college girl who happened to have a non-standard education

7.  I finally had to buckel down and buy my mother-of the groom dress. Now, I am no stranger to buying things on line. I purchase things regularly from Amazon and ebay.  So when I saw a dress I liked on Dressale.com and decided to try them.

Big mistake for a couple of reasons.

  • Other than a receipt from Paypal, I really didn’t get any other confirmation that they had my order.
  • There was no real way to track the package.
  • And when it did come, it just didn’t fit right – as in the bust line was right under my throat!  I admit that at age 56,  over time, and with seven pregnancies the girls have dropped somewhat, but they shouldn’t be right under my larynx should they?  

Simple Mother of the Bride Dress with Cowl Neckline, Quality Unique Mother of the Bride Dresses - Dressale.com

In desperation I started looking around and even tried some dresses on at different stores – something I HATE DOING! eventually I found something at J.C. Penney of all places, and after carefully remeasuring, I ordered and got my dress. It fits perfectly and the color matches the groom and his attendants

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