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Outside my window

November 2012 159

I am thinking…
about lessons learned from my Aunt Opal.

For many years,  Mr. Pete and the kids and I spent 8 hours in the car traveling up to my family reunion.  We would spend a good part of the day at the reunion and then go to which ever family was having a bon fire or otherwise continuing the festivities.  Then the next day we would travel a few more hours to visit Mr. Pete’s mom in the nursing home so that the kids could see her and Mr. Pete could spend some time with his mother.

One year I discovered that Aunt Opal would wait and wait for us the following day, hoping we would show up so that she could spend more time with us. When I found out about that I immediately let her know that Mr. Pete’s mom was frail and living in a nursing home many miles from us, and that we always took time out of our Reunion weekend to see her as well.  Aunt Opal accepted that explanation very well and although I never had a chance to spend the day after the reunion just with her, I did make it a point to spend time with her at the reunion and I specifically remember spending one special evening alone in her home with my mother – a visit that I cherish now since both of these dear ladies have passed on.

The lesson I learned was that was that even if younger family members don’t find the time to spend with you on the holidays or when they are in town, don’t become angry and bitter about it – because you will be working against the very end that you want to achieve!  Give them the benefit of a doubt and don’t take it so personally (as my favorite confessor has told me several times!)  The memory I want to leave is that of a welcoming, understanding, fun and gentle woman – not a curmudgeony old biddy.

The trick is to figure out how to bury those hurt feelings and move on and I think that comes with just moving forward and focusing on what I DO have and the people who DO chose to spend time with me instead!

Then wouldn’t you know, the morning prayer today included this!


I am thankful …
I’m very lucky in that regard as at the age of 53, I have a lovely 7 year old who still thinks I’m the most important person in her life – and I’ll hang on to that for now.

From the learning rooms

  • Gabe and Noah are Reading the Autobiography of Frederick Douglas, which is really a great read so far! Still have to watch that Grant video.  We are also starting a course on American History II on the Homeschool Connection this week.  
  • Spelling program per Dr. Holinga for all four kids.  
  • Instacert for History and start American History part 2  We are up to the Grant administration and heading towards Rutherford B. Hayes. 
  • Apologia Science – Physical for Gabe and Noah  General for Izzy.  Astromy with Rosie. 
  • Saxon math for all with math tutor for Gabe, Izzy and Rosie- Noah is doing Algebra I, Saxon. 
  • Rosetta Stone Latin 3 – for Noah and Gabe
  • Diane Craft reading program for Izzy.
  • Back to Farmer Boy for Izzy’s reading. and the Story of Ping this week for Rosie. Pathway readers for Rosie and the Wand for Language arts.

From the kitchen…
A turkey casserole that we made yesterday for the Feast of Christ the King!  Mr. Pete saw this on on t.v. and it’s called Texas King Ranch Casserole.  We used turkey instead of chicken though and it was still delicious!

Starts at about 14:40 on the video

November 2012 166

November 2012 164

I am wearing…
Gray pants, purple shirt and pink hoodie.

I am creating…
some art lesson plans for Rosie hopefully this week!

I am going…

  • To get a workout done every day this week.  Back to the tapes for the most part and surprise surprise, my shoulder started feeling better! 
  • To get in more flute practice time since my performances are starting very soon. In fact the next three weekends in a row I have a concert to play!
  • Finish my Christmas shopping which is more than halfway done!! ha ha ha 

I am reading…The autobiography of Frederick Douglas with Gabe and Noah, Farmer Boy with Izzy and The Story of Ping with Rosie.  I’m thinking of either Death comes to the Archbishop for the next book or Riders of the Purple Sage.

I am hearing…
Humm of my computer and the girls fighting downstairs about who is taking a bath next!

Photo I am Sharing
Samuel looks like Uncle Clarence

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1 Comment

  1. Wow —those two boys looks sooo much alike!

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